Topics in Physics, Day 6- Sara and Alex

Topics in Physics, Day 6

Photos By: Sara - Blog By: Alex

Kilali Connecting the Spiral Track Segments
The Building Blocks of our Coaster

We started off the second week of our A-Term by doing some practice and review into the concepts of energy and momentum, and doing a few fun projects that applied these concepts. We built roller coasters! Using some of our advanced lab tools and our new skills of interpreting data from a graph, we were able to see the acceleration and velocity of the car that we shot down the rollercoaster. The first rollercoaster we made in the first half of the day went well and was able to launch the card using a chain and a motor. The second one didn't really go as planned. We had to use improvisational engineering skills to change most the design of the rollercoaster, and it ended up being twice as large as it was supposed to be according to the instruction book. This was a very fun experience, and I definitely learned a lot about having to work with what materials we have, and how to apply the physics we have been learning to real life scenarios.

Kilali Assembling the Ramp
Sara Building the Roller Coaster Loop

Slow Motion Video of our Roller Coaster in Action


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