Topics in Physics, Day 1- Kilali and Sara

Topics in Physics, Day 1

By: Kilali and Sara

Kilali's Marble Run

 Today was our first day in the Physics A-Term. We had a day full of fun activities. We started off with making a marble run, the goal was to see who's marble run would take the longest to reach the bottom of the track. We worked individually for the most part since it was a competition, but we were able to help each other. It was fun to see how the input of others helped the runs and how everyone had different ways to improve the runs. It was actually very difficult to make sure that the marble reached the bottom of the course slowly and without getting stuck or falling off. Kilali had the slowest track, which was 5.73 seconds. It was a little frustrating since there were times where the marble would reach the bottom of the track with ease but in other times it would get stuck. When I was presenting my marble run to the class the marble got stuck, even though just 2 minutes before it was going through the course smoothly. 

Alex's Engineering Challenge

After this we did an Engineering challenge, we were supposed to design the tallest freestanding structure that supports a marshmallow. We were given 20 pieces of spaghetti, 1 meter of tape, and 1 meter of rope. we had to be very delicate while making the towers since we did not want the spaghetti to break. It was a little difficult since we had to construct a tower that could support the weight of a heavy marshmallow. I felt slightly stressed since I was taking my time to build my tower I had to rush to build my tower and it ended up being very sturdy. Alex had the tallest tower, which was 47 cm. Mine came at a close second place at 44 cm. After lunch we started planning our Paper Marble Run, we have a base plan and we will start constructing it tomorrow morning. Today I learned a lot and I can't wait to see what we will learn tomorrow!

Kilali's Engineering Challenge 

Alex's Marble Run

Sara's Marble Run

Alex making design 1
of Engineering Challenge

Sara's Engineering Challenge 


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